

pixiv(ピクシブ)は、イラスト・漫画・小説の投稿や閲覧が楽しめる「イラストコミュニケーションサービス」です。少しでも気になったり、面白そうと思ったら、まずはユーザー登録をしてみてください。 登録、利用は無料です。モバイルからでもアクセスできます。

ちょっと入力するだけ! 簡単!



英語と日本語勉強〜 Language Study~

A group for people studying English and/or Japanese as a second, third, etc. language.
Let's help each other with writing, exchange advice, and make international friends, with others who like drawing.
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  • i'm from China. College student:)
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    • tigerlolabrさんのショートコミックを、翻訳しました。台詞のまとめと、翻訳メモがこちら。(日本語です。)
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      • Hello Everyone!

        I just finished one of my comics from English to Japanese. However, this one might be my last one for a while til I make more short strips. It's still too difficult to translate longer strips. If you want to see the English version, it's posted in my gallery. However, It would be nice to get some feedback about the translation or help me. Whether good or bad, let me know. I did use a translator and tried to correct the speech to retain the joke. Enjoy!


        私はちょうど英語から日本語に私の漫画の1つを終えました。 しかし、これは私が最後に短いものを作るまでしばらくの間、最後のものになるかもしれません。 長いストリップを翻訳するのはまだ難しいです。 あなたが英語のバージョンを見たいなら、それは私のギャラリーに掲載されています。 しかし、翻訳についてのフィードバックを得ることや助けてくれれば幸いです。 良いか悪いかに関わらず、私に知らせてください。 私は翻訳者を使って、ジョークを保持するために発言を修正しようとしました。 楽しい!
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        You're welcome.
        Enjoy it! !(^^)!
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          Here's a version translated by Cotha!
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            • Excuse me, can anyone tell me where I can learn the 2200 Kanji I need to learn to be literate in Japanese? I don't know where to start.
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                "desu" is more honorific expression.
                Using English is difficult for me, but it's very fun.
                Honorific expression is difficult for me too.:)
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                    • Excuse me how exactly do I type in Japanese on my computer? I want to learn Japanese too.
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                      > Larryさん

                      If you are on Mac OS please visit at this site.
                      The explanation is Japanese, but here you can use it on any OS.
                      Please Click, "IME On/Off"
                      "Ajax IgoIME: Web-based Japanese Input Method powered by Igo"
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                          • Hello everyone! sorry i just wrote the intro note now. I've been in this group a few months ago but i didn't know how to start interact with you guys. I'm studying japanese by using an app and talking to some pals who speaking japanese too. I'm also a fan of Keyakizaka46 and i made a lots of illustration about them. Thank you so much and nice to meet you guys :)

                            p.s if you are interested in Keyakizaka46 feel free to visit my pixiv profile :)
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                            • 初めまして!
                              海外に住んでます 日本人です!

                              I'm a Japanese living in Australia
                              Thogh, by staying in Australia for a while, my Japanese speaking is getting worse and worse
                              Even, I'm not good at English to
                              It's an great opportunity to learn both Language
                              Let's keep on each other!
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                              Nice to meet you!
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                                • Also, please post your art here, if you want~ it would be a nice study opportunity to leave people comments in the language you're learning, and to read comments others leave for you.
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                                  I didn't read the manga, but i like Bleach and Hunter X Hunter Anime
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                                    Oye I would like to share one of my comics with you guys. The English version of the comic is in my gallery, but I wonder if this translates well. Enjoy! I might not do this much because it's hard and takes up a good amount of time with the translator as well as corrections.
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                                      • https://www.manga.club/

                                        This is a site that has manga in both English and Japanese. It's free. Might be useful for studying?
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                                        Thanks i will take a look :D
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                                          • 初めまして
                                            よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m

                                            Nice to meet you.
                                            I'm Kaneda Uko.
                                            I'd like to learn English and drowning at the same time .
                                            I 'll do my best m(_ _)m
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                                              > ぽーるさん

                                              こちらこそよろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m
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                                                • Hi, I'm studying Japanese at college now! It's become my minor but I have a long way to go. I'm thinking it might be nice to work in Japan as an illustrator someday. This is my first time joining a Pixiv group :')

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                                                  > ぽーるさん

                                                  Sure! 返事が遅くてすみません。なぜか通知を受け取らなかったんです。
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                                                    Cool nice to meet you!
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