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  • イエーちょっと出してもらいました(自慢)。illust/51186548 シパクトリの中こんな感じなんですね。これは住める。
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    Is it be okay if one of us comes up with a design for Kuroka or does he already have a character design (I do have a rough comic featuring him but I'm slow with digital so... its taking awhile haha)?

    Also, I was wondering about the interior of the Belfort mansion. An old manor like that would have features like a drawing room, garden, master bedrooms... it might be fun to see the different rooms everyone's characters frequent the most. A guild event maybe? :)
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      Although Kuroka doesn't has fixed design, he sometimes drawn with glasses and oriental clothes. For example, in here illust/50696748 page three first frame is Kuroka.
      But his design can vary. He may change clothes. Glasses may be fake. Particularly, before he leave Belfort family, he might wear differently.

      And, yeah, interior of the Belfort mansion event is very good idea. I'll make up an event about that in chapter three. :D
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        oh that's really a helpful reference! Thanks!
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