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"Makoto Shinkai x pixiv Illustration Contest" Winners Announced.
January 23, 2012
This is an announcement from the pixiv team.

The winners for the "Shinkai Makoto x pixiv Illustration Contest" which was held between Monday, August 29, 2011 to Tuesday, September 27, 2011 has finally been announced.

We would like to thank all participants who took part in this contest. With the contest theme revolving all Makoto Shinkai works including "Children Who Chase Lost Voices from Deep Below", "5 CM Per Centimeter" and so on, we received not only entries from Japan but also those from all around the world!

The 4 invited judges selected as the judge for this contest are as follows :


Makoto Shinkai ("Children Who Chase Lost Voices from Deep Below" original creator/script writer/director)
Takayo Nishimura ("Children Who Chase Lost Voices from Deep Below" Animation Director/Character Designer)
Takumi Tanji("Children Who Chase Lost Voices from Deep Below" Art Director)
Tenmon ("Children Who Chase Lost Voices from Deep Below" Composer)

According to the judges, they were all having a hard timing choosing the winning works since they were all wonderful, that it was hard to say which is actually better. At the same time, two new awards that were not included before which are the "Mimi Award" and "Staff Award" were also set up to fill in the remaining works that deserve them.

All winners who won the contest will receive a "Makoto Shinkai Artwork Collections : Memories of the Sky ~The sky of the longing for memories~" (新海誠美術作品集:空の記憶 ~The sky of the longing for memories~) art book, signed by all 4 judges : Makoto Shinkai, Takayo Nishimura, Takumi Tanji, and Tenmon respectively.

Without further ado, we will now announce the winners.

Artwork Award

『Children Who Chase Lost Voices from Deep Below』Award

Winner:高嶺そら さん

◇ Comment from Director Shinkai
Although man can be a lonely existence, there is still salvation by resonating that loneliness. This work itself amazingly portrayed such theme with only a picture.

◇ Comment from Takayo Nishimura
I like the overall juvenile feel that flows around the illustration. Completely got me absorbed in it. The comparison between Asuna and Shin is very well done.

◇ Comment from Takumi Tanji
The usage of pale pastel colors is truly beautiful.  The composition along with its contents are interesting, and I think it portrayed the world of "Children Who Chase Lost Voices from Deep Below" really well.  

◇ Comment from Tenmon
It's really nice to see Shin drawn as the contrasting part in this picture. Truly a piece that suggest psychological description between the two.

■Runner Up

Winner:長月瑞穂 さん

◇ Comment from Director Shinkai
The expression where both of them looking somewhere at the same time. This may be related to the theme of being lonely, and this artwork illustrated the feeling beautifully.

◇ Comment from Takayo Nishimura
You can feel the emotion from the characters here. The blue strings are particularly impressive.

◇ Comment from Takumi Tanji
Are they connected using the radio earphones I wonder? The design showing both their relationship, where they are still bound together even though both of them are separated was very well summarized.

◇ Comment from Tenmon
Design wise it has a nice conclusion feel to it. You could say that the tears from the two of them are the story after all.

『5 Centimeters Per Second』Award

Winner:小呆 さん

◇ Comment from Director Shinkai
"Cherry Blossoms","Letters" and "The Past" that gives us the strength to face the future.  It's an excellent piece of work that shows effort!

◇ Comment from Takayo Nishimura
Regardless of the contents of the letter, this piece of work clearly displayed the love, from the colors up to the character. Takaki's expressed looked really good here.

◇ Comment from Takumi Tanji
It's interesting to see works in "5 Centimeters Per Second" that portray a scenery including letters, photos or assorted stuffs around each other. With this drawn in detail I can somehow imagine the character of the artist through this art.

◇ Comment from Tenmon
This work immediately got me absorbed the moment I looked at it. The letter which reminded me of "The voices of a distant star" also made me feel a little sad, and I think it was a great work.

■Runner Up

Winner:IBAN さん

◇ Comment from Director Shinkai
I can feel the love for the work and the great amount of effort spent in drawing both the characters and the background. Looking at how the adult Takaki who fixed his eyes on Akari at her teen age, you won't be saying anything else about his expression.

◇ Comment from Takayo Nishimura
It's a powerful yet delicate piece of work here. I also like the refreshing part of it.

◇ Comment from Takumi Tanji
While this is a bit different from the character seen in the real show, this piece of work that could strikes anyone to show their concern and curiosity。At least he looks a lot happier than Takaki from the real show.

◇ Comment from Tenmon
I think this is a great work that gives me a very delicate impression, along with the deep density feel of it

"The Place Promised in Our Early Days" Award

Winner:Habata さん

◇ Comment from Director Shinkai
This work truly portrayed Sayuri's dream world fantastically. It's a work that upsets people who viewed it, and it also brought a sense of nostalgia. It is really a mystical piece of work, like a scenery that flows in my dreams.

◇ Comment from Takayo Nishimura
This drawing has a deep sense of space that unconsciously sucked me in. The scale of the air portrayed here feels really good.

◇ Comment from Takumi Tanji
There is this mysterious, moving power in this work. The artistic touch that portrays Sayuri's inner feelings were expressed impressively.

◇ Comment from Tenmon
I do think that the sky has that driving power. It's really a well done work.

■Runner Up

Winner:Mac naut さん

◇ Comment from Director Shinkai
This work gives off the feeling that it could be drawn by one of the staffs of the show, and it is one artistic work that expressed the world of this series. I really feel like to going back standing on the train platforms during the days after school.

◇ Comment from Takayo Nishimura
A truly direct masterpiece here. I like how the trio's gestures and the atmosphere feels natural here.

◇ Comment from Takumi Tanji
It's a rather strange feeling to experience a total different perspective in this one scene found in "The Place Promised in Our Early Days". The finishing level found in this work was truly well done.

◇ Comment from Tenmon
It's a situation you can possibly find in the show itself. I really like the feel of looking at a casual one frame here.

『Voice of the Distant Star』Award

Winner:おたけやん さん

◇ Comment from Director Shinkai
May the mail reach that person who is now at a far away planet. That's the piece of artwork that condense all Mikako's feelings into one. It's also an illustration that makes people think that it would be a wonderful thing to have their thoughts reaching someone else.

◇ Comment from Takayo Nishimura
I think that the usage of colors on the deep sky, along with the sharp lightings are beautifully presented.

◇ Comment from Takumi Tanji
What a top notch presentation shown here. I think the lonely feeling shown by Mikako was very well presented.

◇ Comment from Tenmon
It feels like you can just use it as a poster right away.

■Runner Up

Title:『The voices of a distant star
Winner:Totuka さん

◇ Comment from Director Shinkai
A piece of artwork which contain the true charm of a SF robot anime. There's also that feeling of nostalgia even though it should be a scenery where no one has seen it before was also mysterious as well.

◇ Comment from Takayo Nishimura
That's it, I remembered that there is this certain scene in "The voices of a distant star". Cool mecha!

◇ Comment from Takumi Tanji
The mechanical details and the earth's clouds truly displayed the artist's capability in drawing. The colors are pretty too.

◇ Comment from Tenmon
This illustration will make you think of the meaning human's advancement in space.

All Artwork Award

Winner:石竹 さん

◇ Comment from Director Shinkai
Featuring all characters in the background of Agartha I see. It's surprising to see all the characters facing here, or a father silently riding on a hybrid train, and the more I look at it the more I'm enjoying this piece of work.

◇ Comment from Takayo Nishimura
Personally I'm happy to see "A Gathering of Cats" getting featured here.

◇ Comment from Takumi Tanji
It's a fun piece of work. The situation itself is interesting, and each of the characters' features are presented very well. Seeing both Takaki and Akari having a conversation while facing the Quetzalcoatl(?) makes me wonder what were the contents of their conversation.

◇ Comment from Tenmon
The part where the inclusion of all major to minor works of Makoto Shinkai is what makes it a good work.

Personal Award

“Makoto Shinkai” Award

Winner:ありこ さん

◇ Comment from Director Shinkai
I like everything that is included in this work, The lines, the color, the compositions, everything! I can tell that everyone is thinking of that certain person who is not here, and I'm really happy to find out that my work can inspire someone else to create something like this.

“Takayo Nishimura” Award

Winner:野宮 秀作 さん

◇ Comment from Takayo Nishimura
It has that kind of I-want-to-draw feeling which stirs me up when I was done watching 5 Centimeters per Second. There are definitely times I felt like this. The distance between the two was superbly portrayed as well.

“Takumi Tanji” Award

Winner:REDCANDY さん

◇ Comment from Takumi Tanji
Took my heart away with one look. The richness of each blue that portrayed the night sky, as if the organismic lookalike stars that moves around slowly and the notes that spreads around. Moreover the daring composition that accurately captured the movie's true nature. This illustration made me feel the deepness of "art" that goes beyond the usage of cleverness. It's wonderful.

“Tenmon” Award

Winner:濁流 さん

◇ Comment from Tenmon
This is a great masterpiece that portrays all the history of Shinkai's world, like a revolving lantern.

Special Award

Mimi Award

Winner:ますくとらんす さん

◇ Comment from Director Shinkai
I've never thought of this idea before! I felt the urge to include all the cats for my next work as if it's I'm obliged to (laughs).

◇ Comment from Takayo Nishimura
I wanted to see a drawing of Chobi @ Cherry Blossom too.

◇ Comment from Takumi Tanji
This is definitely the contender for "Mimi Award". But they do drink "cat beer" eh.

◇ Comment from Tenmon
Many cats can be found in Shinkai's works eh. It's an interesting piece of work. I enjoyed the punch line very much.

Staff Award

Winner:香月 みゆう さん

◇ Comment from Director Shinkai
Although the characters, the setting and the background is a little different from the show, it's the illustration that is truly memorable to me. The helpless adolescence period bears uncertainty and wishes to be saved found in each part of the work is truly well drawn.

◇ Comment from Takayo Nishimura
I feel like I got stabbed. It feels like my chest here have been stabbed by something.

◇ Comment from Takumi Tanji
It's great. I felt a "I want to draw it first!" vision and that strong intention of trying to draw them out without straying off. That level of bold composition is truly interesting.  

◇ Comment from Tenmon
It's surreal.

And so we have collected many, many beautiful works from all of the participants. Congratulations to all the winners of the contest!

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