The pixiv Novel's Writing Support Project is a contest that accepts novels under a theme which changes periodically.
The form of the content and genre aren't considered. Incomplete works and/or one-shots are both okay!
If you're interested, don't hesitate to pick up your pen!

The theme this round is "language of flowers".
Works featuring an association with the language of flowers, including varieties like roses, lilies, and forget-me-nots are accepted. The story can be sinister, or it can simply be a story with symbolic flowers.

The winner of the top prize will be chosen via a lottery from among the contestants. They'll be able to receive a decorative item for their living space (a choice of: a cup & saucer black tea set, a flower arrangement or preserved flower, or a speaker set that even audiophiles will enjoy). Amazon gift codes will be given to 20 runners-up.

* Only works posted after July 6th, 2021 (Tue), 12 midnight JST will be considered for the lottery.
* Contest entries may receive comments and sticker reactions from the pixiv Novels Editorial team.

Writing Support Project ~ Language of Flowers ~ 受賞 posts
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pixiv Novels is holding a contest around theme "language of flowers".
One winning work posted to pixiv with the contest tag will be chosen via a lottery from among the other contestants. The winner will be able to receive a decorative item for their living space (a choice of: a cup & saucer black tea set, a flower arrangement or preserved flower, or a speaker set that even audiophiles will enjoy). Amazon gift codes will be given to 20 other winners.
Novels under the theme "language of flowers" will be accepted. The form of the content, genre, and finer details are not considered.
Please post your work(s) to pixiv Novels with the project tag, 執筆応援PJ21July, and a sub-theme tag, which are: "LanguageofFlowers", "florist", "truth", "secrets", and "sinistertale".
Period of event
7/6/2021〜8/31/2021 23:59
Uploading format
Please post your novel to pixiv and attach both the project tag "執筆応援PJ21July" and at least one sub-theme tag to your novel. You can pick whichever of these tags you like (original text in parenthesis).

Project tag (required):

Sub-theme tags (select at least one):
Language of Flowers (Japanese tag: 花言葉)
Florist (Japanese tag: 花屋)
Truth (Japanese tag: 真実)
Secrets (Japanese tag: 秘め事)
Sinistertale (Japanese tag: 怖い話)

There isn't a required format (such as short stories or long forms) on the novel you submit (referred to as "contest entries"). The only requirement is that they be over 500 characters.
1 winner
The winner can choose one of the following:
- a cup & saucer black tea set
- a flower arrangement or preserved flower
- a speaker set that even audiophiles will enjoy
* The brand and flower types are negotiable.
20 contestants
1,000 JPY Amazon gift codes

While we're accepting applicants from abroad, Amazon gift codes are limited to use with Winners outside of Japan will be given the option to use another service to receive their 1,000 JPY, with any remittance fees deducted. However, the currency will be limited to JPY.
* You can enter a series into the contest, but please note that one series will only be one entry in the lottery.
* You can submit as many entries as you like, but understand that one post is one work (including series).
* Incomplete stories are okay.
* If your entry includes content unsuitable for those under 18, please make sure the age restriction is set as R-18 or R-18G.
* Only works posted after July 6th, 2021 (Tue), 12 midnight JST will be considered for the lottery.
○ Eligible Participants
This contest is open to all registered pixiv users who have read and agreed to these terms and conditions.
* Entries from companies and multiple creators will not be accepted.
* Underage contestants should obtain the consent of a guardian before entering.

○ How to Participate
Please post your novel to pixiv and attach both the project tag, 執筆応援PJ21July, and one or more sub-theme tags to your novel. You can pick whichever of these tags you like (original text in parenthesis).

Project tag (required):

Sub-theme tags (select at least one):
LanguageofFlowers (Japanese tag: 花言葉)
Florist (Japanese tag: 花屋)
Truth (Japanese tag: 真実)
Secrets (Japanese tag: 秘め事)
Sinistertale (Japanese tag: 怖い話)

○ Contest Terms
Your submission will serve as an acceptance of the terms outlined throughout this entire document. Please be sure you have read them in their entirety before submitting your work (novel).

(1) If your entry, including your nickname, falls into the statements below, it will be considered invalid. Additionally, pixiv reserves the right to disqualify a work if the work is determined to be in violation of the rules even after having been selected as a winner.
・Works that violate the ownership rights of pixiv Inc, pixiv users, and other third parties; as well as intellectual property rights, including copyright, privilege, trust, and other privacy rights.
・Works that contain obscenity, torture, discrimination, explicit sexual themes, and other elements that are potentially offensive.
・Works posted before July 5th, 2021 (Mon), 11:59:59 pm JST.
・Works that aren’t suitable for public display are subject to the judgement of pixiv Inc.
・Works that are already commercially released or are scheduled to be.
・Entering the work in other novel-based projects (including contests) on services run by pixiv and by other companies.
・Works that miss/break a rule or miss a required part will also be disqualified.
・Any other works that pixiv Inc. determines to be inappropriate.
(2) Contestants retain all rights to their artwork/creations.
(3) Contestants will not be informed directly when the lottery results are announced. There will be no public announcement of the winner. Only winners will be informed of their victory after the contest period has ended by pixiv's official account, or otherwise the official accounts of pixiv-related services. Please note that if winners do not respond within a certain period of time after being contacted, they may not be able to receive their prizes.
(4) Contestants, regardless if they win or not, may have their entries, pixiv nicknames, and other related items to the contest, posted to pixiv’s official Twitter, Facebook, and other social network accounts, displayed at exhibitions, and/or printed in magazines or books. pixiv may adapt or minorly edit the work.
(5) Contestants who remove their entries during the contest will be disqualified.
(6) pixiv Inc. is not responsible for any charges contestants may incur during the submission of their entry.
(7) pixiv Inc. will use contestants' information solely for the purpose of communicating with the contestants during the selection process. Furthermore, pixiv Inc. will protect individuals’ information according to pixiv Inc.'s Privacy Policy.

○ Disclaimers
(1) Contestants assume responsibility for their own submissions.
(2) pixiv Inc. will not be responsible for any disputes that may happen between the contestants and other users, regardless of the reason.
(3) pixiv Inc. reserves the right to suspend or terminate the contest in case pixiv Inc. deems it necessary for any reason, including system maintenance.
(4) pixiv Inc. will not be liable for any damages incurred by the contestants, including, but not limited, to contest interruption, suspension, or cancellation.
(5) pixiv Inc. will not be responsible for any direct damages caused by willful misconduct or gross negligence cause during the contest period, regardless of immunity, as determined by the Application Guidelines and disclaimers.

○ Contest Related Support Issues
(1) If you have any questions or feedback about the contest, feel free to contact us here.
(2) Please include your email address, nickname, inquiry, and the subject “About the pixiv Novel's Writing Support Project" before submitting your support request.
(3) Inquiries made by phone will not receive a response.
(4) Replies will not be given to questions regarding the lottery results.

○ Governing Law and Jurisdiction
The contest and its terms shall be governed by Japanese law. Furthermore, the Tokyo District Court shall be the mutually-agreed court for any proceedings, with jurisdiction for the preliminary trial in the case of any disputes over contest terms or matters between the Company and the contestants.

Thank you.
1. Confirm your application
Entry conditions are different for each contest.
Make sure to read them carefully before planning your submission(s).
2. Create something along this theme
Novels under the theme "language of flowers" will be accepted. The form of the content, genre, and finer details are not considered.
Please post your work(s) to pixiv Novels with the project tag, 執筆応援PJ21July, and a sub-theme tag, which are: "LanguageofFlowers", "florist", "truth", "secrets", and "sinistertale".
Period of event:7/6/2021〜8/31/2021
Uploading format
Please post your novel to pixiv and attach both the project tag "執筆応援PJ21July" and at least one sub-theme tag to your novel. You can pick whichever of these tags you like (original text in parenthesis).

Project tag (required):

Sub-theme tags (select at least one):
Language of Flowers (Japanese tag: 花言葉)
Florist (Japanese tag: 花屋)
Truth (Japanese tag: 真実)
Secrets (Japanese tag: 秘め事)
Sinistertale (Japanese tag: 怖い話)

There isn't a required format (such as short stories or long forms) on the novel you submit (referred to as "contest entries"). The only requirement is that they be over 500 characters.
3. Use the tag "執筆応援PJ21July" on your illustration and post it!
Please check if your work meets the conditions required for application before uploading.
4. Applications complete!
Please wait till the judging is finished.
You will receive a notification regarding the contest results.
Choose an entry section