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Novel request
I would like to read a story about two Smash Sisters (Sisuko) and Oystan Sauce (Oystan).

According to Kirichiniipimao (Mao), the "flamboyant Sisko and the quiet Oisutan with long navy blue hair" are a "rare combination" (from "Beyond Where We Ran"). (From "Beyond Where We Ran") It is true that they don't look right at first glance, but they seem to get along well, as seen in the way they talk to Mao in perfect harmony. I wonder what will happen when the focus turns to these two. I'll leave all the scenes, etc. to you.

Thank you in advance.
Untranslated text

「派手派手なシス子と、大人しい紺のロングのオイスたん」は、キリチニイピマオー(マオ)曰く「珍しい組み合わせ」だそうです(『ぼくたちが走って行ったその先に』より)。たしかに見た目上はしっくりこないですが、息ぴったりでマオに話しかけてきたのを見る限り仲は良さそうです。この2 人に焦点が当たるとどうなるのか気になります。場面等は全ておまかせします。

An anonymous user
sent a request via Writer's Ganbari Man 😮.💌
accepted a request👍
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sent a fan letter💌
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