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Illustration request
Good evening!
Thank you for all the wonderful work you delivered last time, or rather always.
I will close this year with the last one, but I would like to submit a request early next year as a theme for New Year's Day. You can submit your work next year! I will keep it as a New Year's treat for myself.

Now, as for the theme...
I would like to ask for a successful version of the motorcycle trip of Oshida and Ando in the last issue!
Mr. Ando was supposed to enjoy riding Oshida on his restored vintage motorcycle to see autumn leaves, but he got into trouble on the way. It was also interesting to see Oshiyasu's fun interrupted in the middle of the road.

And this time, finally the success part! The success of hope is a fitting way to start off the New Year!
And speaking of New Year's, Hatsumode! Then let's go to Hatsumode by motorcycle!
Oshida-kun is a rich young lady from an escalator group, so naturally, she will probably wear a fashionable kimono when she goes to Hatsumode. On the other hand, Ando-kun wears casual clothes as if he were going to a convenience store, even if it is a winter style! This is the difference! The difference! But they are both aiming for the same thing! We are going to Hatsumode together! Enjoy!
I am very sorry to ask you to draw the bike again, but I would like to ask you to do it when you arrive at the site of Hatsumode, rather than when you are running.
Because when you have just arrived, the bike is stopped, and there is no need for Ando-kun to put on his helmet, and the moment he removes his helmet, "Phew! And the moment he removes his helmet, his hair will no longer be hidden! And Oshida-kun, who is wearing a kimono (because in a kimono it is dangerous to straddle the bike and get off because the contents 👀 might be visible), is about to get off, looking a little embarrassed.
To sum up, Ando-kun looks so comfortable the moment he takes off his full face when he arrives at the shrine where he pays his first visit to the shrine! Oshida-kun is in a kimono and trying his best not to be seen, looking a little embarrassed! Please make it like that.
If you want, Oshida-kun can look like he is fixing his legs so that they are not visible from the hem at the moment he gets off.
It is a cold season, so there might be white breath popping out.
Ahh, it's getting fun to imagine!

Another long story, but as always, please sign my "Dear Mr. Puddin' in Gray Clothing!"
A hopeful start to the year and a wonderful piece by Black Cat to all GuP fans 😉!
Untranslated text



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