
pixiv has updated the Privacy Policy as of May 28, 2024.Revision history

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Illustration request
Thank you for always responding to my requests. I have a similar situation to the hitchhiking Watanabe Yoh that I requested before,
I request a scene of Azure Lane Enterprise (Anniversary Drive) hitchhiking sexily at a roadside station.
Please have her signing with her ring up against the car.

Enterprise (Anniversary Drive) image

First one, with normal signing.

2nd picture: Troubled because the car won't stop.
2nd picture

The third photo shows him trying to pull down his shorts to get the car to stop.

The fourth picture: She is shifting her shorts so that half of her underwear is visible.

Fifth, with shorts down to the thighs as in the illustration on illust/79355738

The 6th picture: shorts are completely removed and the bottom is underpants.

7th: T-shirt off, bra on, shorts on.

The 8th photo shows her in bra and shorts with her underwear showing.

The ninth photo shows her completely in her underwear.

The background is
Please be at the roadside station in

Also, if possible, please give me some lines for the hitchhiking Enterprise and the surrounding customers who are watching them.  Sorry for the many requests, but thank you in advance.
Untranslated text
いつもリクエストに答えてくれてありがとうございます。 前に依頼したヒッチハイクする渡辺曜と似たシチュエーションで、


1枚目 普通にサインをしている状態

2枚目 車が止まってくれない為困っている表      

3枚目 止まってもらおうと短パンを下ろそうとしている状態

4枚目 短パンをずらしてパンツが半分見えてる状態。

5枚目 illust/79355738 のイラストのように太ももまで短パンを下ろしている状態

6枚目 短パンを全部脱いで下はパンツ状態。

7枚目 Tシャツは脱いでブラジャー姿、短パンは履いてる状態。

8枚目 ブラジャー姿に短パンをずらして下着が見えてる状態

9枚目 完全に下着姿の状態。  


また、出来ればヒッチハイクをしているエンタープライズとそれを見ている周りの客のセリフもお願いします。  リクエストが多くて申し訳ありませんがよろしくお願いします。
sent a request via Illustration plan (many differences)💌
accepted a request👍
posted a requested work🎁
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