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Illustration request
I would like to request a scene in which Tara Duncan, the main character in the novel "Tara Duncan," is hung upside down by her enemies and pantomimed.

I am afraid that this is a novel known only to those in the know, but to put it simply, I would like you to draw the girl (this is Tara) from the front view of the following reference illustration, and change some of the composition.
Reference illust/7619519

The composition should be from the front and show Tara's whole body. However, it is OK as long as at least her head to her feet are shown.
The left ankle should be straight up, as in the reference image. The left ankle is held by the enemy monster. The leg on the side not held by the monster should not be bent at the knee or the like.
Both hands are near the head like the left hand in the reference illustration, and the right hand in the reference illustration is not holding the skirt.
The clothes are the same as in the reference illustration. The pants are the same pink color as in the reference illustration with a blue heart pattern and a crotch.
Her expression is the same as in the reference illustration, but she is angry at her enemies.

That's all I have to say about the request. If you find it difficult to accept the request, you may decline.
Untranslated text


・構図としてはタラの正面からかつ、全身が映るように ただし、最低限頭〜足元まで映ればOK 垂れ下がった髪の毛全体を写す必要なし

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