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Illustration request
I'm the one who requested Amina Osaki's skirt squeezing last time.
I'm requesting you to do another request for me, sir!

Yui Otsuki (Dereste, Deremus)
She's wearing the school uniform from a past drawing by her teacher (illust/90245259). The top is almost completely off. Her socks are knee-high, but not loose.
Her hair is similar to Happiful Colorful (
I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.

Yui-chan decides to make more money by selling her smelly school uniform. She starts with the skirt as the first thing she can sell at a high price.
She lies on her back and presses the electric massager (handheld massager) against her pussy from the top of her skirt. At this time, her pants are not visible.
(2) Turn on the switch of the electric massager, and fix it with both hands so that the electric massager hits the cunt firmly.
(3) Stains start to form on the skirt where the electric shocker is hitting.
(4) Increase the force of the electric shock. The stain on the skirt spreads further. You are about to come.
(5) She comes hard and squirts a lot. The inside and outside of your skirt gets wet at once.
6) After the tide subsides, you will have a sage moment. Her skirt is almost completely soaked with squirt. Her skirt is almost soaked with the tide, and the surrounding area is also sticky with tide and sweat.

The position is a link
It is similar to the
I'm sorry for the long text. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me. I'd be happy if you could draw me again! Thank you very much.
Untranslated text



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