
pixiv has updated the Privacy Policy as of May 28, 2024.Revision history

A new way of sharing passions, connecting creators and fans
What you can do with
pixiv requests
pixiv's new Requests feature allows you to set a target price and take on requests from your fansCreators can publicly accept requests so that it's possible for everyone to co-request them!Fans that like the content of a request can co-request it and pay the same amount which helps support the creator!
Accept as many Requests as you want to make!
Your motivation to create comes first! You don't have to take on every request you receive. Only accept those you really want to work on ー they can be as many as you like!
Jump on other people's bandwagons using the Co-Request feature!
If thinking of a request seems too hard, we have got you covered! pixiv's Requests include a co-request feature. Join another user's request by offering the same amount to the creator and convey your passions to them!
Convey your passions through Requests!
Requests are born from the encounter between passions and the desire to support a creator monetarily! Your unique requests might lead to new works. Enjoy a new way of sharing passions, connecting creators and fans!
pixiv Requests lets you
convey your passions!
Passions like these, for instance!
I'd like this creator to use their unique style to draw something like this!
With everyone's support, I want to push myself to do something I normally can't.
I want to read a sequel to this manga!
I want a continuation of this series made!
I want to please even more fans!
I want to see my OCs in the style of the creator I love!
I just want to support them secretly...
I want to create work with everyone, not by myself
At any rate, I just want some sort of theme!
I could use some new ideas!
I want to read a story by that artist written in my favorite setting!
What’s special with pixiv Requests
Co-requests from other fans can be taken on within pixiv Requests. This function lets fans enjoy the same reward as the original requester. Creators may attach gift files limited just to requesting fans at the time of work completion.
Co-request diagram
Comments from the creators
With the release of pixiv Requests right around the corner, we accepted comments from various creators!
Accepting requests
As for the Co-request feature, I understand how it can make the creator happy to get paid more, but from a fan's standpoint, I was worried whether the first one to request something would get jealous because they wanted their request to be only theirs. However, the content of the original request doesn't change and I realized that co-requests feel more like a way to join the requester in giving the artist even more support.
Accepting requests
This is the first time I use this kind of feature, but it sounds like a lot of fun and exciting to give a shape to the ideas of people who always check out my manga and illustrations!
Accepting requests
As a creator, I am very happy to hear that you can receive requests through pixiv. I'm looking forward to using this feature so that I can create works that will make people who requested them happy!
Accepting requests
I'm looking forward to the Requests feature because it'll give me the chance to draw all sorts of things! I think the beauty of it is that you can easily request an illustration without having to think of it as a job! I hope requests will make people enjoy illustrations even more.
Accepting requests
It's a very innovative feature, and I think it will enrich the activities of both creators and fans on pixiv more than ever before. When it comes to manga, there's a wide range of things one can request, from certain genres or situations to more detailed requests like turning movies or novels into a manga. For the creators, it could be an indicator of their own needs and strengths, and an opportunity to try new works!
Creating mainly original works. Feel free to request anything.
Differently from regular commissions, this service includes a co-request feature and allows you to disclose the contents of a request, so I would like to use it as a communication tool with the people who always check out my works!
I usually draw whatever comes to my mind, so I'm looking forward to receiving your illustration requests that will hopefully inspire me to draw something that I wouldn't have thought of before! Thank you!
I'm Henreader. I'd like to open many new doors while accepting various commissions (sounds serious) from my great friends. I hope you'll tag along.
It will be a lot of fun to have access to such an environment where you can easily ask your favorite artists to draw something for you or join other people's requests. I'd like to contribute to this service both as a creator and a fan.
Sounds interesting! I'd like to give it a try because it's easy to open your requests and you can decide if you want to take on each challenge at your own pace after looking at the content of each request!
Hi there, I'm Shiratama. I've decided to try this thing out! I don't usually accept requests from individuals, so I thought this would be a great opportunity to hear directly from everyone about what kind of characters and situations they would like me to draw. I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of requests I get. Thanks!
As a creator, I am very happy to be able to build a new bridge between the artist and the people who see my work. I'm looking forward to working with my fans to create something that I couldn't have thought of by myself.
It's been about 10 years since I started using pixiv, so the fact that a service so familiar to me has started this new feature made me want to try it.
Since pixiv has so many registered users, I think this feature will make it easier to smoothly send and accept requests. I'm looking forward to starting receiving requests and draw illustrations that I wouldn't have come up with otherwise!
This feature! I can't even imagine how much fun I'm gonna have with it! I'm looking forward to finding out with my fans!!
This sounds like fun! I've never used a feature like this before, so I hope I'll have a good time with it. I'm looking forward to using it in order to challenge myself to draw themes and motifs that I'm not usually good at!
I've never accepted individual requests up until now to avoid trouble, but since pixiv has started this new service I think I'll be able to communicate with everyone smoothly!
Creators currently accepting requests
Request flow
Start accepting requests
Creators consider what types of requests they'll accept when they decide on their terms
Target price
¥ 5,000
Include your passions and other supplementary info here.
Send request
Fans will briefly summarize the content of the work they want to see from a creator. They send a request using the creator's target price as a base for the amount they'll set. This is the only contact they'll have with the creator.
Request details
Include your passions and other supplementary info here.
¥ 5,000
Pick a request to accept
Creators should pick requests they really want to accept! Fans that truly value their creators will not expect them to overexert themselves by responding.
Create work Co-request
Creators start the work. They can stream the creative process via pixivSketchLIVE and show fans WIP sketches on pixivFANBOX. If fans like the content of an accepted request and want to support the creator, they can co-request the work.
Finish by posting to pixiv!
When the work is done, finish the request by posting it to pixiv. Creators can limit the privacy settings for it at the time of posting. Once the request is completed, a downloadable gift file can be attached only for fans who paid.
How do I send a request?
The "Send a Request" button can be found on both the creator's profile page and the work details page. You can send a request up to 1000 characters. You can not add new information after submitting. Summarize your desires to the creator in your request.
How do I decide on a target price for accepting requests?
It is possible for creators to set one target price for requests. We recommend you set an amount that will inspire you to do the request. It is also possible to accept requests that differ from your target price.
Are illustrations the only kind of work that can be requested?
You can use pixiv Requests for illustrations, Ugoira, manga, and novels. Try sending your favorite creators passion-filled requests!
Do I have to take on all the requests I receive?
You do not have to accept every request you receive. Sent requests will be canceled after 7 days. It is also possible to refuse requests individually. There is no penalty for refusing requests.
Can I contact the fan/creator privately?
It's prohibited to make arrangements or ask for retakes privately in pixiv Requests. You cannot contact other users about the content of a request via pixiv Messages or via comments. Please convey your passions in the request description as best you can.
Where do requested works go when completed?
Completed work is displayed on your pixiv profile page just like your other work. Requested work cannot be deleted until 7 days have passed from when the request was completed. It is possible to make requested work only available to those who requested or co-requested it by making it a URL-restricted work. Please use URL restriction when you want only fans who requested or co-requested the work to be able to view it.
Where can I check the status of a request I sent?
You will receive notice from pixiv when a sent request is accepted by a creator and when a requested work is completed by it being posted to pixiv. Additionally, you can have notifications sent to your email registered with pixiv.
What happens to the rights of requested works?
All rights remain with the creator. Fans who request or co-request a work have only private use privileges. They can do things like admire it privately or make it their SNS profile picture. We ask that fans who want to use the image publicly, like as their profile pic, to please indicate this in the content of their request at the time of submission.
Can I request anonymously?
It is possible for you to request anonymously. You can choose whether or not to send it anonymously at the time of making the request. It is also possible to co-request anonymously.
How do I decide the price I send with my request?
Send your requests while keeping the creator's target price in mind. You can send amounts higher or lower than their listed target price.
Can I send requests to anyone?
You can only send requests to creators who are currently taking on new requests. These creators will have "Accepting requests" displayed on their pixiv profile page.
Depending on the number of co-requests, can the content of a request be modified or added to?
Creators cannot modify or add to the content of a request. Furthermore, there is no need to feel pressure if there are a lot of fans co-requesting. Plan on making the work based on just the one request.
What is the time limit for completing a request?
The time limit for all requests is 60 days from the day of delivery. It is not from the day a request is accepted. If you cannot complete the request in that time frame, then it will be canceled and you cannot receive the payment for it. We recommend accepting requests only after you consider your schedule.
What are gift files?
This feature allows you to add an extra file of your choosing to the work upon its completion. It is possible for only the original requester and co-requesting fans to receive a gift file. It is not necessary to attach a gift file. The gift file can be used how you see fit, whether it be to include sketches, line work, originals, or signed work. Try thinking about how you want your gifts to be unique.
What can I do while waiting for a request to be completed?
You can look for people to co-request the work. You might find friends, or even strangers via social media, who like the content and are willing to co-request it.
When can I claim my profits?
The profits from a completed request are displayed on the "Money Management" page, depending on the timing. Payment for requests completed before the end of the month will be made within 5 business days from the 20th of the following month.
How do I send a request?
The "Send a Request" button can be found on both the creator's profile page and the work details page. You can send a request up to 1000 characters. You can not add new information after submitting. Summarize your desires to the creator in your request.
Can I request anonymously?
It is possible for you to request anonymously. You can choose whether or not to send it anonymously at the time of making the request. It is also possible to co-request anonymously.
How do I decide on a target price for accepting requests?
It is possible for creators to set one target price for requests. We recommend you set an amount that will inspire you to do the request. It is also possible to accept requests that differ from your target price.
How do I decide the price I send with my request?
Send your requests while keeping the creator's target price in mind. You can send amounts higher or lower than their listed target price.
Are illustrations the only kind of work that can be requested?
You can use pixiv Requests for illustrations, Ugoira, manga, and novels. Try sending your favorite creators passion-filled requests!
Can I send requests to anyone?
You can only send requests to creators who are currently taking on new requests. These creators will have "Accepting requests" displayed on their pixiv profile page.
Do I have to take on all the requests I receive?
You do not have to accept every request you receive. Sent requests will be canceled after 7 days. It is also possible to refuse requests individually. There is no penalty for refusing requests.
Depending on the number of co-requests, can the content of a request be modified or added to?
Creators cannot modify or add to the content of a request. Furthermore, there is no need to feel pressure if there are a lot of fans co-requesting. Plan on making the work based on just the one request.
Can I contact the fan/creator privately?
It's prohibited to make arrangements or ask for retakes privately in pixiv Requests. You cannot contact other users about the content of a request via pixiv Messages or via comments. Please convey your passions in the request description as best you can.
What is the time limit for completing a request?
The time limit for all requests is 60 days from the day of delivery. It is not from the day a request is accepted. If you cannot complete the request in that time frame, then it will be canceled and you cannot receive the payment for it. We recommend accepting requests only after you consider your schedule.
Where do requested works go when completed?
Completed work is displayed on your pixiv profile page just like your other work. Requested work cannot be deleted until 7 days have passed from when the request was completed. It is possible to make requested work only available to those who requested or co-requested it by making it a URL-restricted work. Please use URL restriction when you want only fans who requested or co-requested the work to be able to view it.
What are gift files?
This feature allows you to add an extra file of your choosing to the work upon its completion. It is possible for only the original requester and co-requesting fans to receive a gift file. It is not necessary to attach a gift file. The gift file can be used how you see fit, whether it be to include sketches, line work, originals, or signed work. Try thinking about how you want your gifts to be unique.
Where can I check the status of a request I sent?
You will receive notice from pixiv when a sent request is accepted by a creator and when a requested work is completed by it being posted to pixiv. Additionally, you can have notifications sent to your email registered with pixiv.
What can I do while waiting for a request to be completed?
You can look for people to co-request the work. You might find friends, or even strangers via social media, who like the content and are willing to co-request it.
What happens to the rights of requested works?
All rights remain with the creator. Fans who request or co-request a work have only private use privileges. They can do things like admire it privately or make it their SNS profile picture. We ask that fans who want to use the image publicly, like as their profile pic, to please indicate this in the content of their request at the time of submission.
When can I claim my profits?
The profits from a completed request are displayed on the "Money Management" page, depending on the timing. Payment for requests completed before the end of the month will be made within 5 business days from the 20th of the following month.
From creators to fans From fans to creators
Won't you try to convey your passions through Requests?
Let's get started!
Anyone can get easily started with pixiv Requests
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