

pixiv(ピクシブ)は、イラスト・漫画・小説の投稿や閲覧が楽しめる「イラストコミュニケーションサービス」です。少しでも気になったり、面白そうと思ったら、まずはユーザー登録をしてみてください。 登録、利用は無料です。モバイルからでもアクセスできます。

ちょっと入力するだけ! 簡単!



  • キャンセル
  • 決定
  • Hello to all, I would like to know what this group is about I cannot read Japanese and it is not translating into English which is the only language I can read , with your assistance this will help me determine if the group is right for me and I will not post a random piece of art work that’s not related to this group , I want to be part of group where you can post any types of work rather than a group that is only for certain types of art work ,also if you have any suggestion of groups that let you post any types of art work without restrictions I would be great full if you can let me know your recommendations , please get back to me
    Thank you very much
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