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pixiv is the premier online artist community where members submit illustrations, manga, and novels or browse work created by others. Join the millions that make up the pixiv community.You can also access pixiv with your mobile phone.

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英語と日本語勉強〜 Language Study~

Open Group
A group for people studying English and/or Japanese as a second, third, etc. language.
Let's help each other with writing, exchange advice, and make international friends, with others who like drawing.
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  • 皆さんどうも初めまして、MellonSnowです〜

    Hi everyone, i'm MellonSnow~ I've been wanting to converse with people in Japanese about drawing and art for a while now, but for some reason i feel like there isn't much exchange happening on here or is that just me? haha
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    people arent that talkative in Pixiv huh?
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      > Hi roshi chen!

      Sadly not I wish they were because having international friends can help you learn a language faster by talking in normal conversation s
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