

pixiv(ピクシブ)は、イラスト・漫画・小説の投稿や閲覧が楽しめる「イラストコミュニケーションサービス」です。少しでも気になったり、面白そうと思ったら、まずはユーザー登録をしてみてください。 登録、利用は無料です。モバイルからでもアクセスできます。

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Pixiv Fantasia WorldWide

Pixiv Fantasia Unofficial English group.
Read this first: group/comment/113171

Twitter tag: #pixivfantasiaEnglish

Please join if you want to join Pixiv Fantasia and you're looking for English speakers. Post official text translations, invitations to your guild and more!
Official Group Here(JP) group/884
Unofficial Chinese Group 中文 Here: group/1105

Greetings and character posts NOT in the threads will be deleted. Non-PF posts will be deleted.

*Haruna's translation sharing/reposting rules: You have my permission to repost translations IN FULL with credit on dA, Facebook, Tumblr and other sites.

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  • PF:T Guild Thread. Are you recruiting for your guild? Want to talk about starting one? Please reply here.
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    Let me introduce my guild! illust/49663526
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      Disclaimer: My Japanese is shaky, but I worked out the caption (not the artwork text) for this guild and I'd like to share in case anyone else is also interested. Please note this is not my guild. (But this person is recruiting archivists/writers for the Library!)


      ■ I would like to propose a tag to help interactions, world building, etc.

      Tag to use: 【PFT】虹霓の記憶

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        ■ For those participants drawing adventure, journey, wartime observation, personal terrain experience, people, food, etc. please use the tag if submitting works with interactions in the library.
        Memorandums are written with quills made from Forcalos' feathers.
        Written articles are preserved perpetually in Librarian Forcalos' library archive, The Garden of the Void.
        Adventure recollections, love-letters, ramblings, gourmet news chronicles, poems, anything will be recorded so please use caution on occasions of use.

        ■ Because I want to get on this with no diffficult rules and an easygoing feeling, you can participate without belonging to a country.

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          Other than Forcalos directly giving you a pen, any pen bought through peddlers, found, or obtained through other means are counterfeit.

          Participants can come at any time and from anywhere to the Library. Light eating and drinking is OK. As long as you don't use loud voices, conversion is OK so you are also welcome to have this as a place to interact.

          The Librarian also makes herbal tea from golden acacia flowers. It has a minor healing effect.

          Again, even when the world setting changes, this library will come along, so you can use this tag throughout the year.

          ■ Please feel free (to ask) if you have any questions and so on!

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            I'm sorry for my poor english.

            This is my Guild.
            Feel free to join.
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