

pixiv(ピクシブ)は、イラスト・漫画・小説の投稿や閲覧が楽しめる「イラストコミュニケーションサービス」です。少しでも気になったり、面白そうと思ったら、まずはユーザー登録をしてみてください。 登録、利用は無料です。モバイルからでもアクセスできます。

ちょっと入力するだけ! 簡単!



  • キャンセル
  • 決定

Pixiv Fantasia WorldWide

Pixiv Fantasia Unofficial English group.
Read this first: group/comment/113171

Twitter tag: #pixivfantasiaEnglish

Please join if you want to join Pixiv Fantasia and you're looking for English speakers. Post official text translations, invitations to your guild and more!
Official Group Here(JP) group/884
Unofficial Chinese Group 中文 Here: group/1105

Greetings and character posts NOT in the threads will be deleted. Non-PF posts will be deleted.

*Haruna's translation sharing/reposting rules: You have my permission to repost translations IN FULL with credit on dA, Facebook, Tumblr and other sites.

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  • IT'S BACK! Chapter 4 is set to start 2/20 with info on the countries released 2/1!


    New rules

    1: The tag for the next chapter is
    This breaks the rules of previous PF tag naming conventions.

    2: Do NOT use characters you used from previous chapters. Please create a new character. This is an experimental rule. It may not carry over to the next chapter.

    3: Category Tags.
    Please use the main tag, "PFT新津新天地" for character sheets, items, world settings, creatures, backgrounds and "capturing a single moment" type illustrations.

    For guild recruitment advertisements, manga, novels and guides, please use the following tag:

    Please ask any questions regarding Chapter 4 in this thread. Thanks!

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    Can you explain what is going on in this one and the factions? XD
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      That information is not available yet.
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        There's a little new info up today:

        3 factions are vying to conquer a new continent!
        Ohara Yellow 尾原
        Kizen Red 旗前
        Taiga Blue 大河

        All 3 factions have very Japanese sounding names and kanji to go with.

        Start our pencils and tablets, you've got to make a new character for this round.
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