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Pixiv Fantasia WorldWide

Pixiv Fantasia Unofficial English group.
Read this first: group/comment/113171

Twitter tag: #pixivfantasiaEnglish

Please join if you want to join Pixiv Fantasia and you're looking for English speakers. Post official text translations, invitations to your guild and more!
Official Group Here(JP) group/884
Unofficial Chinese Group 中文 Here: group/1105

Greetings and character posts NOT in the threads will be deleted. Non-PF posts will be deleted.

*Haruna's translation sharing/reposting rules: You have my permission to repost translations IN FULL with credit on dA, Facebook, Tumblr and other sites.

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  • PF:T Stage 2 Info Magaea, the world of Magic.

    Aurbelle, Étoile and Rayberg are 3 nations in a world overflowing with magic.

    The 3 nations fought bitterly over the Treasure Stone, the source of magic. Burnt out by the war, 3 sages performed a ritual to restore peace.

    The ritual known as "League" happens once every 4 years. Students from the 3 nations compete and whoever wins gets to hold the Treasure Stone for the next 4 years.
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    I have a question. Do we have to create a new character for each stage since they take place in different worlds, or are we free to re-use the character we made for previous stages?
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    • nau
      You can re-use characters but you need to draw new art for it to count towards events. If you take your Stage 1 art and add Stage 2 tags, that's cheating.
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        Page 1 is the same as the previous comment. See above.

        Page 2 Aurbelle has been around as long as Magaea has existed. It's a nation with a very long history. Most of the buildings are very old and being repaired.

        Bellronde is the capital. It's surrounded by numerous islands.

        Heavy manufacturing and tourism are 2 pillars of Aurbelle's economy. Aurbelle is considered easy to live in with plenty of tourist attractions. It's a highly competitive nation, boasting a Colosseum in the city of Saintgate, located in the center of Woll Island.
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          Page 3 -Characters
          Ardia - The Principle
          A human who runs the magic school and the nation itself. She looks like a very stern and formidable woman but she has a deep understanding of all her students and guides them with patience.

          Viola - Sage of a Millennia
          An immortal mage and Ardia's teacher. She served as the school principle for most of the nation's history.
          (Haruna's note:She's the leader of a nation of mages from Pixiv Fantasia 1!)

          Gavin - School Co-President
          A young student who became a student leader through tremendous hard work and discipline. His major is the laws of magic.
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            Page 3-Characters Con't

            Joe - School Co-President
            Half fairy from a well renowned family. He's Gavin's rival. He won a nationwide competition for magic sword arts. His major is chants.

            Mia - School Co-President
            She's considered a genius among her peers and she's incredibly ambitious. Her major is illusions.

            When he heard about the League, he came to Aurbelle. Knights in Magaea are the substance of myth and legend, considered to be powerful beings that appear in times of need.
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              Rayberg. Page 1 has been translated above.

              Page 2: Tucked away in the tall mountains to the east lies Rayberg, a very stratified society where nobles walk the streets and everyone knows their place. The caste system exerts an odd pressure on citizens creating a sense of discontent.

              Lordborne is the capital city.

              Mining and refining ores are major sources of income in Rayberg. Metals created here fetch top prices on the world market.

              Page 3 pt 1:
              Cornelius - Principle
              Part human and part fairy, he's well versed in the affairs of even the oldest families in Rayberg. He likes to joke around but no one laughs.

              Lapisla - Lady Blue Rose
              A teacher at the Rayberg academy. She hates trivial things and she's quite the hedonist. She has a hands-off approach to education, letting students sort things out for themselves. Her specialty is Magic Stones.
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                Rayberg Page 3 pt 2, the Student Presidents.

                Elias - Fairy student that's more interested in having fun than anything else. He likes flashy, outstanding things and his major is unsurprisingly, ancient fairy spells.

                Zofia - The perpetually angry student. She never beats around the bush and she's considered trustworthy and reliable by her peers. Her specialty is Anti-Magic.

                Emilia - She's a gentle soul with a friendly attitude but something always feels amiss with her. Her specialty is Familiars and she's got an amazing track record.

                Zeo - A powerful wizard who operates the League ceremony. He goes to whoever wins the competition and oversees the Magistone.
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                  Étoile is located in the west, covered in lush greenery. The greenery hides severe scars from the war, as Étoile was hit hardest by the conflict.

                  The capital city is Emeraude.

                  Woodwork, timber and other natural products drive Étoile's economy. Food is incredibly delicious. Cloth and fibers from Étoile fetch top prices.

                  Page 3 pt 1:
                  Eliface - Principal
                  This beholder-like demon not only runs the school but the nation.
                  He has a kind heart and accepting of all races. However, do not test his patience; woe to all if he is angered.

                  Viktor - Vice Principal
                  He comes across as a very self serving schemer who's obsessed with winning the League but deep down he cares about educating his students.

                  Hal - Bringer of Happiness
                  This mysterious masked man wants to spread joy and happiness throughout the world. He appears when anyone seems down. Is he a familiar face? It sure seems like it.
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                    Page 3 - Class Presidents

                    Top student very harsh towards those below her. She adjusts her attitude depending on others' standing with her. She comes across as confident but she's very insecure. Her major is fortune telling.

                    A confident young man worthy of being called "genius." He's very meticulous in his craft and likes to bring things to life. He's very well versed in other cultures' cuisines. His major is magic forging.

                    A gentle soul that carries himself well. He is respectful of others and thus earns it from all he interacts with. He seems cool headed but if he loses his temper he really loses it! His major is medicine.
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                      Aroha J changed the schedule which means the dates that certain tags are valid has changed.

                      There are going to be 3 battles.
                      6/24-7/5(I think J made a typo in the official post)

                      The tags posted in the current event's artwork will be valid for another 5 days as of this posting.

                      Please pay attention to your tags when posting artwork. Thanks.
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