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Pixiv Fantasia WorldWide

Pixiv Fantasia Unofficial English group.
Read this first: group/comment/113171

Twitter tag: #pixivfantasiaEnglish

Please join if you want to join Pixiv Fantasia and you're looking for English speakers. Post official text translations, invitations to your guild and more!
Official Group Here(JP) group/884
Unofficial Chinese Group 中文 Here: group/1105

Greetings and character posts NOT in the threads will be deleted. Non-PF posts will be deleted.

*Haruna's translation sharing/reposting rules: You have my permission to repost translations IN FULL with credit on dA, Facebook, Tumblr and other sites.

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  • PFT chapter 4 schedule & tags:

    All times are in JP TIME. Please adjust for your local time zone.

    First off, tag reminder.

    ONLY use this tag for character sheets, monsters, items, illustrations.

    Use the Side Story tag for your guilds, manga and any supplementary info for your characters.

    I will reply to this thread with event tags when the events start tomorrow.

    The following intervals are for posting artwork with event tags.
    Chapter 1 is 3/7 to 3/19.
    Chapter 2 is 3/22 to 4/2
    Chapter 3 is 4/5 to 4/16
    Last Chapter is 4/19 to 4/30

    Dates marked with diamonds are tabulation days. # of hits for artwork by tag get tabulated on these days.
    Yellow diamonds are midterm, red diamonds are final, blue diamonds are when J will reveal results.
    Help your factions out by browsing artwork during diamond days. :)
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    Event info and tags

    Raid on the Hidden Village. Seta hid here, she has her map of Shintenchi. Kizen wants it, Taiga doesn't want to give it up.

    The War of Hokosakizaki
    Steal the foreign ships that keep Ohara supplied with weapons.

    The Battle of Akanoseki
    Who's first to land on Shintenchi?
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      Midterm Results are in

      Raid on the Hidden Village.
      Taiga is winning.

      The War of Hokosakizaki
      Taiga is winning.

      The Battle of Akanoseki
      Ohara is in the lead with nearly 2x the power.

      Names of the new characters for

      Ooe Kidan: Oni general. Weak to alcohol and searching for a warrior who defeated him in the past.

      Uragata Juzo: A vassal loyal to Kai and a self taught ninja.

      Izumi Kyokaku: A vassal loyal to Shiba Yoshikage. He's assassinated members of the Shiba family in the past.

      Sagano Matahichi: A thief and leader of a Yamaneko bandit gang.
      His name is feared in Ohara.

      Miketsu Doujin: A friend of Seta's father and a veteran of the Shintentsu wars. She prefers her human form and finds beasts filthy.
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        Chapter 1 results:

        Raid on the Hidden Village.
        Taiga wins, gets a map to a safe route to Shintenchi. Kizen still plans to forge their way through for better or for worse.

        The War of Hokosakizaki
        Taiga wins, taking ship full of weapons. Ohara retreats, aims southward.

        The Battle of Akanoseki:
        Ohara wins, their ships and armies advance first into Shintenchi.

        No NPCs have perished this chapter.
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          illust/56169803 Chapter 2 results:
          Natsugiyama. Ohara vs Kizen. Ohara wins.
          Kizen is now on the run, looks like someone from Ryujin(Dragon) Palace is joining the fray.

          Taiga vs Ohara. Taiga wins.
          A creepy figure that smells the blood of the original family latches onto Seta, pledging loyalty.

          Kizen vs Taiga. Taiga wins.
          A mysterious figure is joining to help Kizen out. A priest to banish the foxes and cats accosting the Shogun?

          Nakatsu Forest. Taiga wins.
          All three trapped in the forest survive and return to their respective factions.
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            Do you mind doing a quick translation of the next chapter? =)
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              So we have some gods joining the foray:

              Verdant Lake
              Defeat the monsters/yokai around a giant deep green lake.
              I think the loser's NPC will die.
              Kizen: 大緑湖の戦い【黄】

              Shijoumon Battle aka 4th Castle Gate Battle
              The god of fortune and dispair has joined Ohara while the god of time and time and binding joins Taiga.
              Both factions are vying for passage to the capital.
              Ohara: 四城門の戦い【赤】
              Taiga: 四城門の戦い【青】

              Arashigein Storm Eye Temple
              The god of weather and war has joined Kizen as Kizen and Taiga fight to get to the capital.
              Kizen: 嵐下院の戦い【黄】
              Taiga: 嵐下院の戦い【青】

              Taiga is OP. There's a new rule.
              Page views for artwork are getting tallied daily to try and balance things out.
              Faction A gets tallies for 5/12 days and B gets tallies for 7/12.
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                Results for Chapter 4 part 3

                Ohara vs Kizen. Ohara wins 12/12, Jinrei is defeated.

                Taiga vs Ohara. Taiga wins. Taiga takes the castle gates.

                Kizen vs Taiga. Draw. Taiga heads north to take on Ohara. Kizen follows.
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                  Last chapter of part 4 everyone!!!

                  The 3 gods that seemed to be allies to the humans are now turning on them.

                  The gods will be vanquished if each faction wins the battle in the 3 way against their god and the opposing faction.

                  Ohara must win in the Sorrow of the Sea God(海神の慈悲【赤】) in order to defeat Izana.
                  Kizen must win in the Wrath of the Wretched God(荒神の戯れ【黄】) in order to beat Arakumo.
                  Taiga must win in Between Two Faces in order to defeat Futamo(二面の問い【青】)

                  Ohara Tags

                  Kizen Tags

                  Noonesgonnabeat Taiga Tags
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                    Shintenchi chapter is over and spoiler alert, Taiga wins.

                    The official epilogue will be posted in a week or so. Give J(and me!) some time to get it to you.


                    Sorrow of the Sea God:
                    Taiga wins, Izana blocks Ohara from advancing to the throne room for lacking the drive to defeat him/her/them.

                    Between Two Faces:
                    Taiga wins and defeats Futamo.
                    They advance to the throne room!

                    Wrath of the Wretched God:
                    Kizen wins, Aragumo lets them pass. "I just wanted to play!" By hurling mist and lightning bolts. Right.

                    Final Battle:
                    Taiga Wins.
                    Seta reclaims her homeland. Ohara and Kizen acknowledge her victory. For now...

                    Overall winner based on total wins:

                    wait for it.

                    Come on.

                    Let's play!

                    I won't hurl lightning bolts.

                    I promise!


                    Chapter 5 of PFT is coming January 2017.
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                      Shintenchi chapter is over and spoiler alert, Taiga wins.

                      The official epilogue will be posted in a week or so. Give J(and me!) some time to get it to you.


                      Sorrow of the Sea God:
                      Taiga wins, Izana blocks Ohara from advancing to the throne room for lacking the drive to defeat him/her/them.

                      Between Two Faces:
                      Taiga wins and defeats Futamo.
                      They advance to the throne room!

                      Wrath of the Wretched God:
                      Kizen wins, Aragumo lets them pass. "I just wanted to play!" By hurling mist and lightning bolts. Right.

                      Final Battle:
                      Taiga Wins.
                      Seta reclaims her homeland. Ohara and Kizen acknowledge her victory. For now...

                      Overall winner based on total wins:

                      wait for it.

                      Come on.

                      Let's play!

                      I won't hurl lightning bolts.

                      I promise!


                      Chapter 5 of PFT is coming January 2017.
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