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英語と日本語勉強〜 Language Study~

A group for people studying English and/or Japanese as a second, third, etc. language.
Let's help each other with writing, exchange advice, and make international friends, with others who like drawing.
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  • Does anyone have any advice for memorizing Japanese characters? I want to read and write in Japanese.
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    Also, I'd advice not to disregard kanji phonetics. Essentially, the right(usually) part of a character encodes the (chinese)pronunciation. I could go into more details but I would just be reciting wikipedia, so you might want to read that directly off of there
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        I'm Japanese, I've learned Roman letter Languages(such as English) with "pronounce" (writing "English" with saying "English"). I think this way works good for Learning Japanese too. Wrighting "あ" with saying "A".
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          You might want to stop claiming "I've learned", as one doesn't cease learning a skill(except quitting, of course). Case in point, you spelt "writing" 2 different ways(one of them is wrong. Can you guess which?). What you are referring to is called reading aloud. Doing that for english requires learning the IPA[International Phonetic Alphabet] and looking up every word(try "colonel") in a dictionary. I won't even mention dialects. For japanese one can forego the IPA step as phonotactics are pretty straightforward, but one still has to look up every word(have fun with 「黄昏」). Id est, you cannot rely on the spelling to tell you the pronunciation like you can in some other languages. Other than that I agree that it might be a good method for some people. I might try it and submit my impressions.
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            well, what I wanted to mean is "I learned when I was a student, but I don't now", so I used "I've learned".
            If you mentined about "当て字", such way (Writing with Pronouncing) can't go well. I'm not linguist, but I can notice "黄昏" is obvious Ateji."Tasogare" is written correctly and originaly "誰そ彼". Some "Famous Artistic Writer (such as Natsume Souseki)" loved their own way to write, and after their work became famous, Japanese dictionaly had to judge "such "当て字" aren't "Incorrect", "Mistakes", "Wrong".

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              > cotha@少しリア多忙め。さん

              What I meant by "you haven't learned" is that it's impossible to know a language completely. There will always be more to learn. Even native speakers don't stop learning their mother lanugage till death. From your usage I can deduce your proficiency isn't exactly native-level.
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                > cotha@少しリア多忙め。さん

                Actually, "learn" is used to mean "to acquire a certain skill level". I just found a problem with you saying you learned English and then making a spelling mistake. Your usage is correct, even if you haven't mastered Ensligh yet. Please forgive me for nitpicking.
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                  When I learnt Japanese characters (Hirigana and Katakana) my teacher told me to make a picture out of them that relates to the sound.
                  For example:. Te (て) is like TEnnis and the character te (て) looks like a broken tennis racket! :3
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                    > Yuzuru {ヤズる}さん

                    Hmm.. That's a great idea. I'll try this.
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                      Glad I could help! :3
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