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Pixiv Fantasia WorldWide

Pixiv Fantasia Unofficial English group.
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*Haruna's translation sharing/reposting rules: You have my permission to repost translations IN FULL with credit on dA, Facebook, Tumblr and other sites.

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  • illust/64769826

    The results for Chapter 3 have been released!

    It was scary, the numbers during the mid-period, but Area 2 managed to pull through in the end. With that said...

    Chapter 3: Revenge of the Darkness

    Area 1: The Black Avengers
    Goal 1: Succeed in the protection of Kastaria - Accomplished
    Goal 2: Defeat Magnagaram - Failed

    Score: 573,607/600,000

    Area 2: Tyrant Wars

    Goal 1: Defeat the legion of Risen - Accomplished.

    Score: 550,688/500,000
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    Area 1: The Black Avengers

    Efforts to protect Kastaria from the Risen have succeeded, but Magnagaram remains undefeated.

    Archduke of Ganraille - Zeki: The victor has been decided. What are your motives, are the Risen that have appeared all over Eldaria your work?

    Prince of Revival - Eno: They are the people who will one day rule over all of Eldaria. I will settle this with you at the appropriate place, Archduke of Ganraille... Now is not the time. Let us meet once more, for that is when everything will change.

    MVPs for this Chapter:
    1)【PFRD】旅立ちの竜騎 by Stu_dts【illust/64570224

    2)【PFRD】黒の復讐者 3.1 by超凶の狄璐卡【illust/64686583

    3) 【PFRD】戦場の赤ずきん【黒の復讐者】by いちみ【illust/64571195
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      Area 2: Tyrant Wars

      Having attained victory against the legion of Risen, the forces attacking the empire of Elmia have dispersed.

      Emperor of Elmia, Izal: Thanks to your efforts, the Empire of Elmia has been saved. I give my thanks to the united nations that have come to our aid in this time of crisis. But our battle has not come to an end just yet... First I will have to speak to the Archduke of Ganraille.

      King of Expeditions, Karlyle Han: Everyone... What happened... We are... those that fight... and conquer... all...

      MVPs of Area 2:
      1) "【PFRD】第叁呪:Helium flash " by 忘川の泉眼【illust/64686565

      2) 【PFRD】狂信者クリスby 村カルキ【illust/64706906

      3) 【PFRD】hollow knight【覇王戦争】by めいぷる【illust/64662340
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        The last chapter will begin on September 5.
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