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Pixiv Fantasia WorldWide

Pixiv Fantasia Unofficial English group.
Read this first: group/comment/113171

Twitter tag: #pixivfantasiaEnglish

Please join if you want to join Pixiv Fantasia and you're looking for English speakers. Post official text translations, invitations to your guild and more!
Official Group Here(JP) group/884
Unofficial Chinese Group 中文 Here: group/1105

Greetings and character posts NOT in the threads will be deleted. Non-PF posts will be deleted.

*Haruna's translation sharing/reposting rules: You have my permission to repost translations IN FULL with credit on dA, Facebook, Tumblr and other sites.

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  • illust/64797428

    Final Chapter: Epic of Revival

    The Black King, who once plunged Eldaria into chaos has been revived as a Risen by the hand of the Prince of Revival, Eno.

    Marching alongside the King are warriors who have once been slain, now reborn, and gathering by the Crimson Wall.

    Now once more upon this land shall the battle that will decide Eldaria's fate begin.

    Event Tag: 忌むべき王の戦場

    Please tag your works with the above tag to participate in the event.

    Midpoint: 10 September
    End of Chapter: 17 September
    Results: 18 September
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    Last Area: Battlefield of the Loathsome King

    Reborn by the "Mark of the Risen" that the Prince of Revival, Eno holds, the demon legion that once perished, as well as the Black King that led them have been born anew.

    It is as if they are gathering in order to relive the war with the Eldarian Alliance.

    The final battle that will decide Eldaria's fate, now begins.

    "O Loathsome Eldaria... Let us begin... the continuation of my tyranny." - Black King Fennoc of the Black Kingdom, deceased 50 years prior.

    A King veiled in black cloth hailing from a land far north from Eldaria that once plunged the land into chaos, leading a legion of demons. As a Risen he wields great power, but due to the "Mark of the Risen", he is now but a mere puppet leading an army being controlled by Eno.

    Goal 1: Victory over the Black Legion - 1,000,000 page views

    Failure: The destruction of Eldaria
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      It seems like the Risen Extermination tag is still going on for this chapter under: 復活者討伐戦【最終章】
      Please use this tag for additional points.

      However the condition for using it is that you must depict characters drawn with the 復活者 tag being battled with or encountered.
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