

pixiv(ピクシブ)は、イラスト・漫画・小説の投稿や閲覧が楽しめる「イラストコミュニケーションサービス」です。少しでも気になったり、面白そうと思ったら、まずはユーザー登録をしてみてください。 登録、利用は無料です。モバイルからでもアクセスできます。

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  • キャンセル
  • 決定

Pixiv Fantasia WorldWide

Pixiv Fantasia Unofficial English group.
Read this first: group/comment/113171

Twitter tag: #pixivfantasiaEnglish

Please join if you want to join Pixiv Fantasia and you're looking for English speakers. Post official text translations, invitations to your guild and more!
Official Group Here(JP) group/884
Unofficial Chinese Group 中文 Here: group/1105

Greetings and character posts NOT in the threads will be deleted. Non-PF posts will be deleted.

*Haruna's translation sharing/reposting rules: You have my permission to repost translations IN FULL with credit on dA, Facebook, Tumblr and other sites.

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  • How to participate in PF, part 5: Tips for starting a guild.
    1-What is your guild about? Be sure you can answer that question in 1 simple sentence, like "research magic artifacts" or "support a certain official character" or "run a library for children."
    2-Create a guild sheet introducing your guild. Here is a very good example:
    Here's what this example does correctly:
    *It describes the guild and membership requirements very well.
    *The guild theme is very simple and straight forward.
    *The artist provided detailed references for guild uniforms and a high quality image of the guild crest. Uniforms aren't required, plenty of the best guilds don't have them!
    3-Make sure you have all the tags right, including a guild-specific tag. I'll do a run down on the tags when the event starts. Please wait!
    4-Post updates on what you plan to do every chapter. Are you going to invade an enemy during chapter 1? Or defend against an aggressor?
    5-Drive your guild's story! Make another guild your rival or just show some slices of guild life.
    6-Communicate with your members! This might be hard if there's a language barrier, but participants create their own private forums or twitter accounts, doing whatever they can to discuss guild stuff.
    7-Have fun! There's a lot of pressure to go crazy and do elaborate uniforms, logos, specialized character sheets, etc, but try not to stress.
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